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MEDICINE DANCE SANCTUARY – A Spring Rebirth – Day Retreat


Wed 21st September 2022, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM


1 Old Pacific Hwy
Burringbar NSW 2483


A Spring Rebirth – 

It’s Spring and while the sap is rising some of us are not feeling ready to bloom just yet.

While flowers are opening, some of us may still feel like we’re coming through the mud.

We don’t feel the same …

We feel anxious when it rains, 

We have nightmares.

We feel the uncertainty that lingers.

We can’t plan tomorrow.

Inside, in the background a part of us feels … suspended.

Wondering what might happen next …

For a while we even wondered if it was safe to step outside our homes.

We’ve endured restrictions, control, chaos, sickness, isolation, floods, disaster …

It’s left us reeling with uncertainty, loss, grief, heartbreak, disconnection, despair, burnout, anxiety, 

discombobulation … we’ve all felt it to some degree. 

We lost our way. 

Our life interrupted. 

We lost our connection to the flow and trust in life, to our own senses, intuition, rhythms and cycles.

Some have lost their jobs, homes, cars and loved ones.

With climate chaos and change, natural seasons and cycles feel out of whack.

Our sense of safety has been shaken.

If ANY of this speaks to you, you’re not alone. 

So how do we move forward when we are still carrying so much in our bodies and hearts.

We yearn to clear, cleanse, release, dissolve the mess, mud and muck, the heartache and pain.

And we remember – as we women have done for eons before us…

we can come together 

sit in circle, 

to feel and get real, a safe sacred space to drop it all, to share and declare, to feel and heal, 

to hold and witness ourselves and each other. 

We remember; when we breath into our bodies, 

We remember; in sacred cacao ceremony, in our rituals.

We remember; when we move, when we to allow the music to take us wholeheartedly, 

unapologetically into it’s beat, presence and magic, to let the dance take us, into our everything…

To call back our Spirits and come come back home to the security within our blood and bones.

We remember; when we rest and allow the grace of divine restoration. 

We remember; our connection with each other and with our divinity.

We remember; we are Nature.

Our breath the wind.

Our body the earth.

Our rage the fire.

Our tears the rain.

Our prayers the ether.

We are elementally embodied.

Dear loves, we invite you to come to reconnect with your wellspring, 

to reactivate your core energy.

It’s time to reunite in Sisterhood!

We have missed each other over the Winter.

Together we invite the sap to rise again….

As the beautiful Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh so wisely said…

No mud, No Lotus.

This is the Springtime of our Souls.

We are FLOWERS opening gently to the sunshine, reaching ever so bravely towards the Light.

With absolute love Marnie and Angela wholeheartedly look forward to welcoming you – AS YOU ARE.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The 5 Elements Dance: is a moving dynamic meditation, an ecstatic, some what shamanic / free-style dance journey guided metaphorically by the elements.. the elements of nature; ether, air, earth, fire, water, the elements in ourselves, the elements of life… and our interconnection with it ALL! 

Marnie will intuitively guide you with minimal but poignant faciiltation, accompanied by an awesome musical soundscape along with the collective energy of the group for a truely expansive, deeply releasing, transformational, healing and connective dance experience.

This DANCE experience is absolute medicine for a Women’s body, heart + soul !

Stay Connected – https://www.facebook.com/group…


MARNIE DEVI HUDSON – has passionately explored many dance styles, yoga, meditation, personal transformation tools + spiritual seekings.

It was through the transformative and liberating nature of Ecstatic dance with the Conscious dance movement, that she discovered an authentic, heart-centred awakening. 

In 2014, Marnie completed her teacher training with Malaika Darville to facilitate 5 ELEMENTS DANCE. Ever since, she has been holding Medicine Dance on local dance floors and featuring at festivals and private retreats. 

Mid 2020, Marnie turned her practice to an ALL Women’s Medicine Dance, the MEDICINE DANCE SANCTUARY was born… 

with select themes and opportunities co-create, the full experience offers an opening for a deeper enquiry through the dance and other healing Arts. This collaboration creates an opportunity for a rich, deeply connected sisterhood to flourish.

Mid 2022, Marnie trained with Cacao Queen Daisy Kaye, to learn the sacred alchemy of the medicinal magic of CACAO. Bringing in another element of awakening, transformation and healing to the Medicine Dance Sanctuary.

It is my heart’s calling + prayer that this practice of Medicine Dance becomes a blessing of powerful conscious medicine for the individual, the community + our Mother Earth, as a way to create a loving ripple effect in this often chaotic world that needs grounding, unwinding, authentic connection, healing and rebirthing so deeply.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Angela supports the birthing of new women through her unique personal coaching programs and women’s circles.

She is known for her warmth, wit and powerfully supported women’s circles.

She loves Wild Woman to the core.

Angela is also the creator of WildBirth, a body based childbirth education class that prepares women for the primal power of Birth.

A qualified Registered Midwife, Angela leads women’s circles with a fiercely loving and soft power.

She offers Midwifery for the Soul sessions for women across the world.

Stay Connectedwww.birthyourtruth.com

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

* BRING – lunch, water bottle, yoga mat, cushion, your open and curious, trusting heart..


$68.15 AUD + BF


Wed 21st September 2022, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM


1 Old Pacific Hwy
Burringbar NSW 2483

We wish to acknowledge the Ngandowal and Minyungbal speaking people of the Bundjalung Country, in particular the Goodjinburra, Tul-gi-gin and Moorung – Moobah clans, as being the traditional owners and custodians of the land and waters within the Tweed Shire boundaries. We also acknowledge and respect the Tweed Aboriginal community’s right to speak for its Country and to care for its traditional Country in accordance with its lores, customs and traditions.