PRESENCE : A Day-Long Movement Inquiry with Liat Lev
Creativity is a force of our nature, a birthright as natural as breathing. We each possess an irrefutable capacity to create. It points us towards our essential nature, which is vast, unique, and universal. During this day-long Movement-Inquiry we’ll take time to glimpse in to our own biographies, past, present & future in order to orientate ourselves towards a clearer, more spacious – Here and Now. Through the universal language of dance & a blend of various Creative Art modalities, we will inquire into where we have come from & where we are headed with curiosity & tenderness -infusing the present moment with our PRESENCE.
Art In Motion is a focussed part of the Open Floor Program designed to build Creative Intelligence through Dance, Writing, Theatre and Visual Arts. This is where we lean into the creative process – not just create works of art. No artistic or creative ability or experience is necessary.
I look forward with deep joy to having you join us on this journey!
Saturday 12 April 2025 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (UTC+11)
Burringbar School of Arts
1 Old Pacific Hwy, Burringbar NSW
Cost: $105.00 – $165.00