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The AfterGlow One Day Wellness Retreat!


Sat 22nd April 2023, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Cabarita Beach NSW 2488


A day of yoga, sound healing, dance , nourishing foods, connection & MORE!

Feel your energy the same energy as stars, wind, ocean, messy and raw and continuously perfect in its chaos.

Release the need to control and instead surrender into your own natural rhythm.

As flowing as water

As free as air

As connected as earth

Come along & Join us ( Kylie & Ariela) in treating your body, mind and spirit to this bliss-filled day in Cabarita.

A day to balance, nourish & connect.

This day is about embodiment, connecting deeply to your body by allowing time and space to self-heal, create joy, stabilise, play and embrace all of you as you are in this moment.

The group will be kept small and will be held at a beautiful Cabarita beach farm. You will be surrounded by the beautiful sound of the birds, stunning greenery, and a peaceful, calm serenity & even some fun animals!

……..A day you truly deserve!!!

Intention ~ Connecting to your inner wisdom, embody a feeling of lightness, freedom & Joy.

What’s included?

- Welcome pack

– Arrival Juices & snacks

– Yoga Ecstatic Flow Workshops!

– Sound Healing & Meditation

– Awakening movement & grounding practice

– Nourishing vegan lunch board

– Self Love ritual & activation

– Embodiment & movement

– 25 mins session on a vibrational sound bed!!! ( NEW PRODUCT ON THE MARKET)

– Blue lotus Tea

– Journaling time & Cards

– Closing Love ceremony



10am – welcome – Arrival, Teas, juices & breakfast snacks ~ intro circle, write intentions for the day~ Honor land/drop in meditation/ place hand on heart (drum to connect to heart)

10.30am – 11:00am Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony

11:00am- 12:00pm – Drop out of the mind & into the body on the land, shaking, ecstatic free flow moment, group activities ( guided by Ariela)

12:00- 1:00pm – Ecstatic Yoga Flow- (guided by Kylie)

1:00pm – 2:00pm – Lunch & Break time- enjoy your lunch, rest, journal & connect

2:00pm- 3:00pm – YIN Yoga Movement (Guided by Kylie)

3:00pm – 4:00pm – Guided Meditation & sound healing (Guided by Ariela)

4:00pm – 4:30pm – Closing circle & share


You will also have the option to try an AMAZING NEW PRODUCT ON THE MARKET!!!

A ……….VIBRATIONAL SOUND BED!!! (This experience will last approx 20mins- 25mins per person)

“The Vibrationbeds have been invented under the premise of merging new technology with ancient wisdom. These Vibrationbeds are comfortable mattresses with Sound Technology in them, where you simply plug your phone into the bed, put on the music of your choice (preferably Hertz Sounds that have been proven to benefit the body) and the Sound will not only reach your ears, but vibrate through your whole body. As we are resonant beings, you will start matching the frequency of the music, without effort.

Imagine being in a state of stress, tension, or even pain. When laying on the Vibrationbed you will quickly get into a state of deep relaxation, which is where your body’s own healing capabilities lie.” Check out more : website: https://vibrationbeds.com.au/ Instagram : vibration_beds

Nourishing Food for the Day:

Naomi Penhallurick is the Co-creator at zen warrior shop. Naomi is a Qualified Naturopath with a Bachelor in Health Science & an intuitive healer with a soulcraft for the healing power of nature through food as medicine, science, herbs & education. Naomi will be providing us with delicious vegan food, snacks, juices for the day which will be full of love & nourishment❤️


“And just as the light is not separate from the sun

nor the wave from the ocean

may you realise the interconnectedness of all things,

so shall we realise our deepest connections with source and recognise ourselves in each other

as one vast ocean of love and light”


Location: Cabarita beach farm

Address: ( available on ticket)

When: Saturday 22nd April

Time: 10am- 4:30pm (nsw time)

BYO: Yoga Matt, Blankets, pillow, water bottle, an item for the altar, pen, journal & Wear warm comfortable clothes.

$197 Ticket link option to book or bank transfer. (limited spaces available)

Please feel free to contact : 0422 048 507 if you have any questions!

We are so excited to connect with you for a day of pure BLISS!

THE AFTER GLOW MOVEMENT: @the_afterglow_movement

Kylie :

Kylie came from a dance background and always found herself curious to develop and strengthen her body through movement. Starting yoga in 2005 she quickly became a devotee. The physical challenge and discipline soon morphed into a deeper connection to self and to a new new yoga tribe. A major life upheaval later created reason to restructure and re-think her “primary” career and with caution thrown to the wind she completed Teacher Training knowing this was the right journey. Vinyasa and Yin truly called to her heart.

Although feeling a need for creative, slinky, sensual and swirling classes that cultivated the deeper connection through body dance and music- creating the classes she now teaches and which gave birth to Ecstatic Flow – a choreography style yoga flow to music to create energetic union, embodied flow for greater expression and joy. Yoga brings the ability to nurture and connect on a more intuitive and honest level to self and others realising the innate power to heal to be found through movement to live a happy, aligned life.

Kylie is focused on expansion, frequency and cleansing of stuck, stagnant energies within the body and psyche. The study of Somatic Trauma/Movement Therapy, Embodied Movement & Energetic Alignment shows within her sequences. Her sequences are fun, fresh and creative with focus on moving like water, holding grounded like earth and self expression like air leading you to authentic movement to release the fire within.

Kylie wears her heart on her sleeve, approaching life with childlike awe that flows into her enthusiasm for teaching and genuinely loves to connect with you. She loves a good belly giggle, long hugs and chilli margaritas.

Ariela Kaye:

Owner of Soul Harmony. Ariela is an intuitive energy & sound healer, reiki practitioner, meditation teacher, light channel, space holder who also works with the magical flower blue lotus. Her own journey has asked her to decondition the mind and body from the old way of having to do and instead allow herself to be in a flow state, flowing freely in what she came here to do & be a mirror for others.

Her deepest calling has been to host healing spaces ,events & retreats over the years which offer deep embodiment practices that allow for full self-expression, shifting of stagnant energies through sound, dance, meditation and breath and offering deep healing and realignment through powerful sound healing transmissions.


Sat 22nd April 2023, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Cabarita Beach NSW 2488

We wish to acknowledge the Ngandowal and Minyungbal speaking people of the Bundjalung Country, in particular the Goodjinburra, Tul-gi-gin and Moorung – Moobah clans, as being the traditional owners and custodians of the land and waters within the Tweed Shire boundaries. We also acknowledge and respect the Tweed Aboriginal community’s right to speak for its Country and to care for its traditional Country in accordance with its lores, customs and traditions.